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Disability Awareness Programme

Despite a lot being said about workplace inclusivity, it still comes as a surprise to many just how little is actually done at companies to make their processes and workspaces inclusive. To remedy the situation, the Disability Awareness Session is designed and run by Toshmatu’s. The program aims to arouse empathy in people towards PWDs by giving them an insight into the challenges and hardships they face in everyday life.

Costing just INR 1000 per session, the program is completely interactive through blindfolded startegies. From experiencing the frustration of inaccessibility in schools without eye sight access to the struggle of navigating public spaces while being visually impaired, the lessons offer a totally new perspective on the struggles of PWDs in everyday life. The awareness sessions are ideal for schools, college and universities.

  • 21 Jan, 2020

Disability Awareness Session for NOU students

A “blindness awareness” presentation is a good way to foster understanding, acceptance, and respect for the blind student in the classroom. A blindness awareness presentation can help sighted students become familiar with the tools and techniques of blindness and learn ways to interact with and include the blind student in activities.

  • 22 Jan, 2020

Disability Awareness Session for Lady Hamilton School

The session helped abled-bodied students realize that their blind classmate is a student just like them who will be learning the same subjects and doing the same assignments but who might be using different tools to get the work done. A blindness awareness presentation can be made through blindfolded strategies to cover the eye of normal students with black cloth and asked to navigate the spaces.